


I had no courage.
It’s been a month, it’s the time I waiting for.

I spending time day by day full of suffering, but when the time is come, all the plan I made, all the things I wanna tell him, Every-single-world that I keep for this time, but I don’t have any courage for do that. I can’t start a chat. I’m afraid if he will ignore me. I’m afraid afraid and afraid. It’s always happen when I have plan to do / say something that need many of courage. This shiiit always happen.

I don’t wanna live in wishful thinking, not anymore.
I have many question for asking
I have many confession that I want to say.
But where all the courage I have?
I am the type of person who always waiting
I have enough patient
You know, I think it’s better to being alone, when I feel so bad
I want to finish this!!!
Aku ingin keluar dari semua ini, but I lose part of my self.
Masalahnya adalah, aku gak bisa mnghandle diriku sendiri, aku tau apa yang ku inginkan tapi tidak bisa melakukannya.
Come on Ris, what’s wrong with ‘start a chat first?’
I don’t know
I just wanna wait.
But I really really tired.
I wanna fix this

I don't wanna feel this anymore, I am suffering
what an idiot woman 

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Waktu berjalan berasa laaamaaaa bgt
Pengen pulang tapi masih hari kamis
Kondisi tubuh udah gak enak (yakali klo enak mah dah abis dimakan kucing) *gaklucu
Pengen istirahaat, minum obat biar cepet sembuh, trus tidurr.. tapi sebelum tidur pasti pikiran penuh dulu, gelisah gak jelas :(

Badan panas dingin, batuk yang melelahkan, hidung mampet... pikiran ruwet, hati nyesek, kerjaan numpuk (dijejerin makanya biar gak numpuk) *gaklucu
cobaan pas puasa gini amat ya Allah :(

Seandainya disaat2 ini ada orang yang merangkul pundakku dan bilang 'sabarrr yaa.. semua pasti berlalu, nih uang sejuta buat jajan..'
pasti akan sangat meringankan beban ini ya Allah

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