


September comes again, and the song of September that reminds me every years is “wake me up when September ends…”. Yeah, that means I don’t really like this month, because it’s a sign that my age getting older and older… umm.. no, no, no… I’m still young, always young, forever young, yipiie! It’s a must! :hammer:
hmm maybe a little bit (just-a-liitle-bit) lyrics of Taylor Swifft song’s tittled “22” (read: twenty two) really can describe the feelings, here’s the lyrics: “we’re happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.. it’s miserable and magical.. oh, yeah, tonight is the night when we forget about the deadlines………. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22………….” If you don’t know the meaning of that part, that’s your problem, but yeahh, I’m feeling 22…

Kayaknya klo diterusin pake bahasa Inggris yang absurd alias gak tau bener apa gak nya itu, nih tulisan bakal semakin absurd jadi lanjut pake bahasa Indonesia tercintah aja. Btw, bulan September tahun lalu aku juga nulis sesuatu di blog ini, jadi gak kerasa ya udah setahun aja berlalu. Jatah hidup ku berkurang lagi deh. Kali ini beberapa hal bersejarah terjadi di bulan September, pertama, diawal bulan tepatnya 1 September kemaren akhirnya aku sidang, horeee selamat selamaat! #kemudianhening
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